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Inspiring children to realize their full potential in a 21st Century learning environment.


  • Dedicated Christian Teachers in every classroom

  • World-renowned Calvert Curriculum with a reputation for academic excellence

  • A learning environment that empowers each student to achieve academic success and inspire them to realize their full potential

  • Laptops are assigned to each K-8 student with access to extra resources to assist in learning

  • Curriculum that is refined and updated every year

  • Opportunities for all students from those who need extra help to gifted and advanced students

All children receive daily, formal religious instruction. They learn Bible stories and how to apply the Word of God in their personal lives. It is our goal that the children will memorize key Bible passages and parts of Luther's Small Catechism. All students participate in religion classes, devotions, and chapel services.

Language Arts
Basic grammar skills are introduced in Kindergarten and built on each year. Language learning time is used to help the children gain skills in oral and written expression, creative writing, and in gaining study skills. In handwriting, manuscript is taught through the Second Grade. From Grade Three on, the children should use cursive writing for most work, but maintain their skill in manuscript. The spelling series for Grades 1-8 incorporates many other language skills.

A basal reading series is the core of our reading program in the early grades. The series consists of textbooks and workbooks employing a phonics approach to reading. Other reading materials are used to supplement the basic materials, including novel studies. Grades 5-8 use the Daybook Program that emphasizes student involvement and response to what they have read. Novel studies are incorporated to round out the student's familiarity with various forms of literature. 

A.R.Program (Accelerated Reader)
This computer-generated program is utilized as a supplement to the formal reading program in all grades. This reward-based program strongly encourages students to develop a desire to expand their reading horizons.

Teaching the concepts, theories, skills and practical applications of math principles is stressed using a basic math series. The series places an emphasis on mastering the skills and then gaining a thorough knowledge of applying them through extensive problem solving.

Science is a vital subject in our school because it develops an appreciation of the marvels of God's creation and helps to prepare children to live in our complicated society. Science is taught at all grade levels. In Grades One through Six the course is General Science. The approach continues in Grades Seven and Eight, but greater emphasis is given to narrow the scope and investigation.

Social Studies
Social Studies includes geography, history, sociology, and economics. In the lower grades the course is organized by units that cut across these fields. In Grade Three regional studies begin, concentrating on the various regions of our world, and culminating in an intensive study of American History and Kansas History at the 7th & 8th Grade Levels. By approaching God's direction in the history of His world, children learn to trust God to guide their lives also.

Fine Arts
All children participate in the school choir, which sings throughout the year. Students in grades 5-8 may take instrumental instruction on a weekly basis offered through out Cheney Public School. Art classes are taught to all grade levels and grades 2-8 get to participate in the Valley Nine Art Fair held every year.

Physical Education
All children participate in the AAU Physical Fitness Test each spring. Older students participate in the athletic league in the areas of softball, volleyball, basketball and track. Physical Education takes place either outdoors or in our full size gymnasium. It includes age appropriate games and group activities aimed at maintaining and improving physical fitness.

All students are introduced to the basic functions of the computer and instructed in keyboarding skills beginning in 2nd grade. Upper graders will do much of their work on various computer programs. Laptops are assigned to each K-8 student with access to extra resources to assist in learning.


Accreditation through Maize School District USD 266 


639 N Lincoln St, Cheney, KS 67025







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